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On Easter Sunday morning, we read of the journey of different people to the Empty Tomb, early in the morning before it was light.

The women went to the tomb with spices to anoint the body and were the first to know the tomb was empty. Empty tombs are not usually good signs—they are normally signs that someone has died and we need to bring the body to rest, in sadness and in mourning. This time it is different. In haste two days before, the body was brought to rest. In haste, the stone was rolled into place and into the tomb went the sadness and the hurt of broken dreams, betrayal, fear and denial.

Now the tomb is empty once more. The gates of the world of the dead have been rolled back and the women who went there, early in the morning, find an empty tomb. The place, where, in haste, two day beforehand they had placed their sadness and their brokenness, is empty.

When the two disciples run the race to get to the tomb, the first stands at the door, looks, and believes.

He stands at the door of the tomb. He stands at that threshold of life and death. He stands in the place of sorrow and brokenness.

He sees that this place is empty. He sees the gateway of death where the stone has been rolled back. He sees the bands of the shroud on the floor. The symbols, the relics of the broken world of two days ago are all there but all so very changed, so very different in this new perspective.

He believes. He enters into a new relationship with the Risen Saviour. He enters into a new moment of faith for himself and for the Christian community. The bonds of brokenness are themselves broken. The ribbons of sorrow are on the floor. The ties of hurt are torn apart. He believes and that makes the difference early in the morning, on the first day of the week.

Easter can allow for a new beginning. Over this Easter time, in this year of faith, we will read of how the Risen Christ can and will be present in our world— if we are willing to make the pilgrim path to the Empty Tomb!