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Resumption of Sunday Mass at the Chapelle St Patrick.

General instructions for churches during the health crisis’ were issued recently by the Archdiocese of Paris.  (See further below) These are to be adapted to each pastoral context and to be observed at all masses until further notice.

Accordingly, after due consultation with our CCI colleagues we are happy to advise that Sunday Mass in the Chapel will resume on June 21st – the health situation in Paris permitting.

For the welfare and safety of everyone please carefully note the following:

  • If you are experiencing any Covid-19 like symptoms or are feeling unwell, please do not come to Mass.
  • Please signal in advance to the Chaplain via sms or email your intention to come to Mass so that we may be sure to accommodate you.
  • Ensure social distance between each person as indicated.
  • Please wear a mask or face covering, this is compulsory in the Chapel for everyone over 11 years old. ( If you lose or drop your mask we will endeavor to supply you with a disposable one)
  • Use the hydro alcoholic sanitizing gel available at the entrance.
  • Respect the usual protective gestures.
  • Cough or sneeze into your elbow or a handkerchief.
  • Greet without shaking hands or making physical contact.
  • Avoid touching surfaces as much as possible.
  • (Doors to the vestibule and Chapelle are to be left open)
  • Please refrain from any singing until further notice.
  • No Chaplaincy missals or hymnals will be available until further notice. (You are welcome to bring a personal Missal.)
  • Once the maximum authorized number of faithful is reached, access to the chapel will no longer be possible.
  • Only occupy places indicated by the signage
  • Please extend the sign of peace with a smile or a nod only.
  • Communion hosts for the faithful will be consecrated within a sealed container.
  • The celebrant will sanitise his hands carefully before distributing Holy Communion.
  • Exceptionally, Holy Communion for the congregation will be distributed at the end of mass after the blessing.
  • Please ensure social distance from others in the communion queue and follow the one way system  so that people do not cross each other’s paths .
  • Having received Communion please exit via the sacristy into the courtyard. It is not necessary to re-enter the Chapelle
  • Receive communion only in the hand.
  • Please follow all instructions from our volunteer stewards.
  • There will be no holy water in the fonts until further notice.
  • Collection baskets are not to be used please simply drop your offering, if desired into the box supplied near the exit.
  • Please leave the chapel after mass and avoid gathering into the courtyard until further notice.
  • Please do not access any other CCI buildings except for the WCs in the courtyard.
  • Regrettably tea and coffee after Mass are suspended until further notice.

Kindly volunteer to act as Steward or to assist with cleaning the chapel  and the  bathrooms after Mass if you are in a position to to do so. (Cleaning materials will be supplied.)

Vulnerable and fragile parishioners are invited to protect themselves by remaining at home and joining our celebration spiritually. (We will endeavour to continue video recording Sunday mass for those unable to be with us)

If you know someone who wishes to be visited at home, we invite you to make them known to Fr Hugh.

Thank you sincerely for your patience and understanding in these difficult times. We are truly sorry that we cannot as yet offer the usual  Sunday welcome and hospitality however we prefer to err on the side of caution, safeguarding the welfare and safety of everyone until the current crisis is over.



Consignes générales dans les églises en raison de la crise sanitaire

Consignes à respecter dans les églises, et en particulier pour les messes qui ont repris dès le samedi 23 mai à Paris.

Consignes générales dans les églises en raison de la crise sanitaire Mai 2020.

Pour la sécurité de tous, nous vous demandons de respecter les consignes suivantes.

  • Respecter la distanciation de 1,5 m entre chaque personne.
  • Porter un masque, obligatoire dans cette église à partir de 11 ans.
  • Utiliser le gel hydro alcoolique mis à la disposition de chacun à l’entrée de l’église.
  • Respecter les principaux gestes protecteurs.
  • Tousser ou éternuer dans son coude.
  • Saluer sans se serrer la main.
  • Éviter au maximum de toucher les surfaces.
  • Si le nombre maximal autorisé de fidèles est atteint, l’accès à l’église ne sera plus possible.
  • Occuper seulement les places qui sont indiquées par la signalétique.
  • Manifester le geste de la paix d’un sourire ou d’un signe de tête.
  • Conserver une distance avec les autres dans la file de communion et suivre le mouvement organisé pour que les personnes ne se croisent pas.
  • Recevoir la communion uniquement dans la main.
  • Sortir progressivement de l’église et ne pas rester attroupé devant l’édifice.

Les personnes fragilisées sont invitées à se protéger en s’unissant spirituellement aux célébrations. Si vous connaissez une personne qui souhaite être visitée à domicile, nous vous invitons à la faire connaître auprès de notre paroisse.