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May Events of Interest

Dear Friends
I would like to draw your attention to some events over the coming weeks that might be of interest:
The Embassy is organising a number of cultural events for the Europe Day celebrations on May 9-10 on the parvis at the Hôtel de Ville. The free open air concert by Altan at 18h00 on Thursday, May 9 may be of interest to the friends of the chaplaincy.
On Friday, May 17 at 18h00 in Chapelle Saint Patrick, there will be a moment of prayer in communion with the Irish people who are making the Pentecost pilgrimage to Chartres. This will consist of a reflection on the Year of Faith and benediction. Everyone will be welcome.
On Saturday, May 18 in Eglise Saint Francois Xavier (75007), there will be a traditional Breton Pardon de St Yves. Mass will be at 10h. The Mission Bretonne have extended a welcome to any Irish people who would like to participate.
Best wishes
Fr Sean Maher