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President Higgins at the Sorbonne

As part of his official visit to France, the President of Ireland, Mr Michael D. Higgins will be giving a conference at the Sorbonne on February 18, 2013. All members of the Irish Community and friends of Ireland are invited to attend. Please find below details of the invitation from the Irish Embassy.

In the presence of Mr François Weil, Rector of the Academy of Paris, Chancellor of the Univerities, Ms Marie-Christine Lemardeley, President of the University Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris 3 has honour of inviting you to attend a

conference by the President of Ireland, Mr Michael D. Higgins, on the theme:

“Defining Europe in the year of the European citizen”

with an introduction by Mr Jacques Delors, Founding President of Notre Europe, former President of the European Commission.

Monday, February 18, 2013, 11.00 to 13.00

Grand amphithéâtre de la Sorbonne

(47 rue des Écoles, Paris 5e)

rsvp : receptionsparis@dfa.ie

(invitation and identification will be requested at the entrance)

You can view the full address by President Higgins on the Sorbonne Nouvelle website.