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Celebrating a New Spring and St Brigid

The beginning of February has a very strong symbolism in the Irish Celtic and Christian tradition. After the long, dark, and cold winter February 1 is the beginning of spring when we look forward to longer, warmer, bright days, and the new growth of plants, trees, flowers and vegetables. February 1 also marks the Feast of St Brigid, one of Ireland’s three national saints.

It was most fitting that on Sunday, February 3, 2013 more than 100 people in the Irish Community and Friends were able to come together at the Collège des Irlandais and celebrate these very Irish traditions.

The day was charged with many celebrations. We welcomed a baby girl and young boy into the Christian family and the Catholic Church with their baptisms taking place during Mass in Chapelle Saint-Patrick. Also during Mass the Irish Chaplain, Fr Sean Maher, blessed the Brigid Crosses that had been made from rushes in the Curragh. Each family received a Brigid Cross to put in their homes to protect them from any harm. The Chapelle Saint-Patrick Choir sang both English and Irish hymns to mark the occasion.

After Mass everyone was invited to the Salle de Conference for a community lunch. Savoury and sweet food had been generously brought by members of the community to share in a spirit of “loaves and fishes”.  The Hospitality team arranged the food on the tables and was on hand to provide everyone with plenty of hot coffee and tea particularly as it was a chilly day.

Many thanks to all those who were involved in preparing the liturgy, singing, sharing their food, and organising the hospitality.

We invite to you to visit the St Brigid’s Day Gallery to view the photos of the celebrations!